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+20 votes
in Themes by
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Mayro Pro

Google Material Design & PWA ready Theme for Question2Answer ( Q2A ).


  • Google Material Design
  • Mobile first, clean content focused, responsive layout designed for redability
  • Easy to install and setup
  • Developer friendly
  • Dark Theme Support with three options
    • System default
    • light mode
    • dark mode
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) support
    • Installable
    • Fast and reliable
    • PWA Optimized
  • Multilingual support
  • Right to Left Support

Screenshots and Demo

Now Free

Download: https://github.com/MominRaza/MayroPro

Q2A version: v1.8.5
Will there be an update on this theme?
I have not written about updates here for long time, but I keep updating my theme because I'm using it on my website, you can compare my website (https://jeeneetqna.in) with the screenshots here.
And also if you're facing any issues in the theme please let me know
Thank you, I am also tell you to let you know if I have found an improvement. The theme is really good :-)
Theme is mobile friendly. Well done. But in Rich Results Test (your jeeneet post link) it doesn't detect any schema for questions and answer. Snow Flat theme shows it. Structured Data is what I'm talking about.

6 Answers

+1 vote
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Mayro Pro Theme [v4.2.0]

As you may know, I use this theme in my q2a website JeeNeetQnA. Over the past 4 months I have regularly made some changes to this theme for my website but I never posted about these changes here. But today is the day of big update.


  • More rounded design inspired by Material You Design

  • Complete RTL Support with accessibility

  • added back card style for mobile

  • added icons on user profile page and error box

  • fixed heading font-weight

  • highlight selected answer and comment

  • fixed shadow in dark theme

  • added closed icon

  • fixed tag cloud widget

  • ask button hide from ask page

  • best answer, answer background, +animation

More Plugins Support

  • Chat Room v1.8.1 by Scott Vivian

  • Badges Q2A v4.9.3 by NoahY (extended by Chun)

  • Featured Questions v1 by NoahY

  • Q2A Breadcrumbs v1.5.3 by Amiya Sahu

  • And more see my previous answers

  • By plugin support I mean I made some custom styles, if you use these plugins you can ask for these css files.

+3 votes
Instead of creating a website and selling your code there which requires lot of time and maintenence, you can try selling the code and scripts on online platforms like CodeCanyon, sell code etc...

These sites host your codes and will pay you when a user has bought your code through their website.

Also, try to regulate and display the price in different currencies so that users will be more clear and comfortable to purchase the code in their own currencies
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I'm using Mayro Pro theme in my own websites. You can see here.

Jee Neet QnA

Discuss This Movie

Please don't ask theme related questions there.

Do you have the Android webapp?
This is progressive Web app PWA
My theme is PWA ready
You can upload it on play Store
+2 votes
Good theme but is high price for this. .

I have a suggestion if you want to add icon upload for category-id.  

All category have diferent icon uploaded listed in homepage sidebar and categorylist. , will be more attractive and nice. And some optimization for seo
Send me a private message, we can talk about the price.

I think there will be a plugin for that, If there is a plugin for it, Please comment the link or name. Then I will provide material design light and dark theme support.

I agree with you, it will be more attractive and nice. Q2A is already optimized for seo, some seo plugin is also available.
+1 vote
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Mayro Pro Theme [v3.4]


  • removed card view from mobile to get 20px more width for content
  • now meta theme-color changes on theme change through website or system
  • removed material icons outlined for fast loading
  • using the qa-lang-html for multilingual support
  • added Noto Serif font for post content
  • fixed comment box: using small box for comment
  • support for notification plugin
  • Notification Plugin

More Plugin Support

  • Q2A Badges v4.8 by NoahY
  • Most active users (per time interval) v1.2 by echteinfachtv
  • On-Site-Notifications v1.3.0 by q2apro.com
  • Q2A Social Sharing v1.7.1 by Amiya Sahu
  • Title Length Counter v1.1 by Momin Raza
  • Q2AM Next Previous Question v1.0 by Q2A Market
  • Question Content Below Title with Image v1.0 by Momin Raza
  • TagSearch v1.4 by Arjun Suresh
  • and more
on site notification is not working with latest version of mayro pro
0 votes

hi , my website does not show user avatars on home page , please help

Navigate to: Admin > Users > Avatar size on question lists