I've been looking at ways to allow for polls on my site, and I realized Q2A may be a good plattform for it, with a little tweaking. Currently I'm using the Wordpress WP-Polls plugin, but may switch to Q2A if this works... anyone want to try it out?
The plugin is here:
Here's the feature list:
- allows creating questions as polls, which removes ability for others to answer, comment on, or vote down them (vote up only).
- adds qa-main-poll wrapper to qa-main for custom poll css
- admin and mods can still answer, comment on, and edit polls
- choose between multi-voting or single-voting poll on ask form
- jQuery answer adding via ask form
- answer updates when voted on (optional)
- adds text to poll question titles
- all text fully customizable
- all css fully customizable
And here's some screenshots:

EDIT: Added a polls page and poll sub-nav item
EDIT: Added optional ability to comment on polls
EDIT: Added css styling to make it look more like a poll (customize via admin/plugins