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Google Material Design Theme for Question2Answer ( Q2A ).


Navigation Drawer Home Mobile Recent Activity Home Tablet Home Small Laptop Home Laptop Question View Ask A Question Categories Tags Users


  • Mobile first, clean content focused, responsive layout designed for redability
  • Easy to install and setup
  • Developer friendly
  • Multilingual support
  • PWA Ready


  1. Install Question2Answer. This theme requires version 1.8.5 or later

  2. Download the latest version of theme from GitHub, either using Git, or downloading directly:

    • Note : The master branch may have some broken parts, so it is recomended to download the released versions from the releases page.

    • To download using git, install git and then type

      git clone https://github.com/MominRaza/Mayro.git

      git checkout tags/<latest_tagged_version>

    • To download directly, go to the latest release page and click Source code in the Downloads section

  3. Copy the Mayro folder to qa-theme directory of your q2a installation (eg. qa-theme/Mayro)

  4. Visit http://your-q2a-site.com/admin/general , select the Mayro for both the Site theme and Theme for mobile

  5. Congratulations, Mayro theme is now up and running on your website smiley

Recommended Settings


  • Avatar size on user profile page: 200 pixels
  • Avatar size on top users page: 180 pixels
  • Avatar size on questions: 70 pixels
  • Avatar size on answers: 60 pixels
  • Avatar size on comments: 60 pixels
  • Avatar size on question lists: 60 pixels
  • Avatar size on message lists: 60 pixels


  • Columns on Tags page: 1
  • Columns on Users page: 1

Manifest File Setup for PWA

  • Edit manifest.webmanifest file as your requirements.
  • Add two images/icons-192.png and images/icons-192.png to your website root  directory (eg. http://your-q2a-site.com/images/icons-192.png).
  • For more info https://web.dev/add-manifest/


This free theme is created with ❤️ by Momin Raza

Give Me A Treat

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Q2A version: v1.8.5
I don't know how to right readme.md file so i just copied the Donut readme file.
Avtar is not loading on qa page
Admin/Users/Avatar Size - Recommended Sizes for Mayro theme

Avatar size on user profile page:    200 pixels
Avatar size on top users page: 180 pixels
Avatar size on questions: 70 pixels
Avatar size on answers: 60 pixels
Avatar size on comments: 60 pixels
Avatar size on question lists: 60 pixels
Avatar size on message lists:     60 pixels
Yeah now looking good... thanks for your amazing work.

9 Answers

+2 votes
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Best answer

If the sidebar is open, the editor runs over it, the ads also protrude from their blocks.

All options are not displayed in the admin panel on the desktop version.

The topic is good, but we still need to work on it.

Widgets such as active users are also not displayed correctly.

Sorry for my english, using a translator.

i can do but this but what if this editor have z-index value more then you thought, that's why I want to know the what's the name of this editor.
I said after checking. z-index: 4 will solve the problem. The name of the editor is SCEditor. You can download it from here: https://github.com/q2apro/q2apro-sceditor
now can test this editor with Mayro theme and i will fix all the bugs.
@Shvonder You can download the updated *active users* plugin from here.
+1 vote
Thanks brother for the nice theme!
+2 votes
Thank you for your excellent work. I am also designing a new theme. I will publish very soon. And your theme has been great! Thank you again for such a wonderful work. Go ahead.
thnx... I will be happy for your theme.
+1 vote
any demo link??
@fahimalfarhan I don't have any website that's why I can't provide any demo link.
If you love my work, please help me by clicking buy me a coffee.
@momin, You can use freehosting service(ex. 000webhost) and sub domain for demo.
+1 vote
If you love my work, please help me by clicking buy me a coffee.
+1 vote
I'm testing your theme for a new site. I think when you toggle the burger menu, you will  to open it. It's better if we have a button to close it.

Also, can that burger menu be open by default in desktop view. It's more comfortable to view a 3-coloumn design. Or am I the odd one?
thnx... for your suggestion,
1. I think when you toggle the burger menu, you will  to open it. It's better if we have a button to close it.
Ans. I had this in previous release. because you can see in new google apps they don't have the close button for closing app drawer.

2. Also, can that burger menu be open by default in desktop view. It's more comfortable to view a 3-coloumn design. Or am I the odd one?
Ans. this is already done, check latest release.

**If you love my work, please help me by clicking buy me a coffee.
No, it's a two-column design, and the main column is too wide.
This is what I expected to be the default desktop view: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/MominRaza/assets/main/images/4.png
upto 768px(Tablet)
- open as app drawer

after 1024px(Small Laptop)
- open as side bar by clicking the burger menu

after 1440px(Laptop)
- works as three column design by default.

but if you want me to reduce the 1440px(Laptop) size then please suggests me the best fit for your laptop.

**If you love my work, please help me by clicking buy me a coffee.
+1 vote

Mayro Theme Dark Mode

anybody excited for this

+1 vote

Hello there!

Loved your theme!

But I am having few issues

1) When Someone answers or comments the size of their Avatar is posted huge... but the comment just below is fine..this happened multiple times2) The font size is quite large.. is their anyway to reduce it? 

1) I don't know about first issue. use latest version of q2a and mayro.
2) i intentionally increased the size of question body but the size of answer and comment is as well increased. i will fix this in next realease.
0 votes


I've installed the theme, I'm using it and I'm satisfied. I have a question for you?

Where should I add the adsense ad code in the theme codes to add it right into the article? Can you help?


I can't help you with that because this is not possible and I haven't seen any plugin related to this.
But I have a good news for you
Now you should use Mayro Pro theme because it's free now
yes, I am using it, I am satisfied, but it would be great if there was an in-article ad.
How do you look at my website? is there a problem?