Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+37 votes
in Q2A Core by
closed by

In September I plan to start working on Question2Answer version 1.5, with a view to (hopefully!) releasing it before the end of 2011.

As for previous versions, I am interested in knowing what new features would be most important to people using the platform.

So please post up to 5 prioritized feature requests in your answers below.

FYI, the following are already planned, so you can skip them in your lists, but feel free to elaborate on them if particular aspects are important to you.

  • Closing questions (due to duplication, or other reasons)
  • Optional moderation mode (admin approval before post appears)
  • Ajax-style interface for answering and commenting

Thanks and I look forward to your feedback!


closed with the note: This version now under development.
This question can now be considered closed. Please see the Q2A 1.5 roadmap:

Nice to see "closing questions" feature working, but comments are still acceptable ?
hybridauth is a great features to allow user registration with other social accounts than just facebook .

45 Answers

+3 votes
List with favorite questions @ your user account.
+3 votes

I've just jumped ship from Shapado's Q&A platform and the biggest issue I had was having to ask all my users who used OpenID's to reregister (such as via Gmail and Twitter accounts).

The Janrain Engage PHP5 library looks pretty good and has a totally free, more than adequate level for many sites. Pop that in and that gives Gmail, Yahoo, Facebook, Twitter,  AOL, Windows Live and about 20 others.


0 votes

"Privacy" and "Terms of use" links in the footer.
Maybe also sample content of that files in the EN language folder (switching the language would affect the links).

(I have quite elegant :) working code, so I can share if needed).

Can't this be handled with custom pages?
True. But there could be done sample document files - with language support. (these pages would be in some predefined page types).
+2 votes
Registered Users Groups.

I would love to use Q2A for an experts site such as AVVO.  Need a mechanism to make sure that normal users cannot answer questions, but only Experts can answer questions.
This feature will make q2a more functional for these kind of sites..
This is already possible via the 'Permissions' admin tab in Q2A 1.4.x.
+2 votes
What about a google site search plugin?
+1 vote
1- Caching system

2- gzip css / js/php

3- speed up

4- search users

5- login with twitter

6- html theme like WP / hook system
+5 votes
edited by

01. Delete user: Delete user from admin panel with/without deleting questions, answers, comments, voting.

02. Follwer system: User can follow other users, questions, tags.

03. Discuss (a new idea!): Sometimes user may want to discuss a particular topic. So, a discuss button and submission form would be nice. Latest discussion showing in homepage & side bar would also great. It will make a site lke CMS!

04. Better poll system: It would be nice if poll can be included within question not as answer.

05. More Signup & Login option: More signup & login option .... facebook, twitter, google, yahoo, wordpress, blogger, openid, myspace ......

06. Internal private message system: Users can sent messages to each others. Anmin can sent messages to individual users or all users. with instant notification of messages.

07. Top contributors: Show top contributors with avatar in sidebar.

08. Wiki system: Answer can be modified by other users but show only when approved by real poster of answer.

09. Solved Button: When asker choose best answer then Solved button autometacally arived and shown on homepage and question page.

10. Mobile Friendly: Mobile users increases day by day. So notification sent to mobile as sms would be great. Also user can access website using their mobile and ask also answer question and vote ...... superb!

11. Friend invitation: Friend invitation from faceboo, gmail, yahoo mail, live mail ...

12. Question of the day: Show question of the day at sidebar and top of the homepage.

0 votes
Two features

1. Allowing random visitors to ask questions as it is on SO website ( the way it ask in comments system)


2. Integration with Drupal
+1 vote
I want to echo all of the praise. QUestion2Answer is awesome. I can't wait till the next version and would like to see almost all of the planned improvements! I do have 1 idea I wanted to throw out there.

I would love to see some kind of suppport for embedding question titles or 'teasers' in external pages throughout a website. In other words, it would be greatest to have a "Most Recent Unanswered Question" or a "Most Commented " widget which I could embed throughout my entire site (not the q2a ..but their whole site) to entice my site's users to interact with the question2answer .  This feature would faciliate the growth and health of the q2a's on their sites . Simple Machine's Forum (if you're familiar) has funcationality like this and it helped me increase my SMF forum on one of my websites . I think this would be great for anyone who already has a popular website and who also wants to foster the growth of the q2a on that site.