Although it seems that qa_db_query_sub function will be deprecated in Q2A 1.9.0, but still I would like to ask how to use MySQL UNION in qa_db_query_sub function?
This simple SELECT function works well
SELECT postid FROM `qa_posts` WHERE `type`="Q" ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1
qa_db_read_all_assoc(qa_db_query_sub('SELECT postid FROM `qa_posts` WHERE `type`="Q" ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1'));
But this compound function doesn't work:
SELECT postid FROM `qa_posts` WHERE `type`="Q" ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1 UNION ALL SELECT postid FROM `another_posts` WHERE `type`="Q" ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1
Or even this doesn't work either
(SELECT postid FROM `qa_posts` WHERE `type`="Q" ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1) UNION ALL (SELECT postid FROM `another_posts` WHERE `type`="Q" ORDER BY created DESC LIMIT 1)
qa_posts and another_posts have the same structure in this example.