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in Q2A Core by

I built image based off php:5.6-apache, downloaded to it latest release of q2a and couple plugins. PHPMailer using SMTP was however failing with 

SMTP connect() failed.

I am not really PHP developer and likely there is some dependency missing BUT I was able to fix the problem by adding following 2 lines to qa-include/app/emails.php

function qa_send_email($params) 

  if (qa_opt('smtp_active')) { 

    if (qa_opt('smtp_secure')) { 

    } else { 

      $mailer->SMTPAuth = false; 
      $mailer->SMTPAutoTLS = false; 

If there is other fix for this please let me know, I had to hack my container so redeploy will break it again before it is changed in official code :)

Appears that this is related to this section of PHPMailer Troubleshooting guide. Perhaps Q2A should provide ability to configure this from the admin site.

Q2A version: 1.8.4

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