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in Q2A Core by

How can I get a qa-q-list with questions which have new comments?

Does someone the code for that?

I have adjusted my website so unfortunately I don't have a recent activity page anymore, but still I would like to have the last 5 questions which are commented on the frontpage.

Any help is appreciated!

1 Answer

0 votes

you can simply call something like
to get just recent comments.

if you want to limit the amount of questions displayed at one page you can modify qa-page-question.php :
search for $qa_content= and replace qa_opt('page_size_qs'), by a number (e.g. 5).

I dont want the comments page. I have a custom frontpage where I would like to have a list of recent commented questions on the bottom of the frontpage, so I need the php code which can give me that list so I can implement it into qa-theme.php