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2 Answers

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SEO, tags are very important for SEO.
I have edit the question please check ?
+1 vote
Not sure what you mean by importance. Tags are for categorising questions in a more free form way, so you can have many “categories” which don’t need to be decided up front. Plus you can have multiple tags per question.

Categories are for limiting to one specific topic.
Scott please the example here https://electronics2electrical.com/21597/
is that good ?
No, tags that are just the exact words from the question are not a good idea. Think about it this way: would you want to view a list of questions with that tag?
For a tag like "magneto-striction" then probably yes (I don't know what it means but it sounds like something you'd want to read more on).
For tags like "i" or "for" then no. They are too generic.