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in Q2A Core by

I have started a question-answer website using q2a cms. Now I am looking for some ways to get traffic to my site. Can anyone suggest me some legit ways to get people's attention?

create some fake users and start post great content.. soo google will rank you and more users will know your website.
ohh! thank you!

2 Answers

0 votes
Add a sitemap to https://search.google.com/ the rest of the google will do it yourself. You can receive paid traffic through dynamic ads at https://ads.google.com I am ashamed of my English)
+1 vote
I wanna answer this,

Try to create niche based QnA website.. As i have created a Self-Help community of digital entrepreneurs see demo here https://quesoo.com

Secondly, create fake users especially of the female names, popular in that country ot niche, and try to create good answers, you can put questions and answer with fake users, by reproducing, old contents from websites..

Share your site to social media, and ask them to ask you any question here www.yoursite.com etc..
nice strategy
I want to create  niche based QnA website about pests and pest control
Its very simple, just install this script on your site...
Create categories of your niche
Create fake users and in their about section write about any topic they are expert in one field and similarly answer their their profile
Put at least 1k questions and answers..
After then promote in facebook, LinkedIn, quora, reddit, tumblr, askfm etc pagal groups of your niche..