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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by

In Firefox anyway, hovering over disabled vote buttons doesn't show the title="" text.  This is because they are disabled:

        function post_disabled_button($post, $element, $value, $class)
            if (isset($post[$element]))
                $this->output('<INPUT '.$post[$element].' TYPE="submit" VALUE="'.$value.'" CLASS="'.$class.'-disabled" DISABLED="disabled"/> ');

If you change this to:

        function post_disabled_button($post, $element, $value, $class)
            if (isset($post[$element]))
                $this->output('<INPUT '.$post[$element].' TYPE="button" VALUE="'.$value.'" CLASS="'.$class.'-disabled" /> ');

then the title text shows, but clicking on the buttons still does nothing, as expected.

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