I like the "mouse-over" for question - to be able to read the question text without opening the question which you introduced with 1.4.1 :)
This feature would also be very helpful while asking new question for the section:
"Before proceeding, please check your question was not asked already:"
If the user could read the proposed existing question texts to check if the own new question was already asked before -- without even clicking on the proposals...
what do you think?
edited 03.08.2011 :
If you are not afraid in changing the source: Here is how to do it for version 1.4.1:
open qa-include\qa-ajax-asktitle.php
1.) change in line 52: false --> true
qa_db_search_posts_selectspec(null, qa_string_to_words($intitle), null, null, null, null, 0, true, $countqs)
2.) add in line 105 (behind maxcount=...):
3.) change/add line 115 to (all in one line):
'<A title="'.qa_html(qa_shorten_string_line(qa_viewer_text($question['content'],
$question['format'],array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg)), $maxlength)).'" HREF="'.qa_path_html(qa_q_request($question['postid'], $question['title'])).'" TARGET="_blank">'.$question['title'].'</A><BR/>',
that's all - good luck