As I am as well a Q2A user I want to give out the information I think is the most helpful.
It includes some investment, but not as much as You may think.
First learn about buying expiring websites / domainnames. There is plenty of information in the web.
Second search one with high count of incoming links and/or traffic, ideally related to Your websites topic.
Buy it.
Than, set up a new page with some valuable information.
Than, add a questionform like diskussed in several threads here allready.
This form sends the question to Your q2a site.
Now You can see how questions are dropping in.
The directory idea as well is an excellent one, if there is interest I would set it up with an original phpld license I still have unused.
Just let me know. Would be free for everybody, obviously.
Than, I asked a similar question here:
It would be a feature through which siteowners could offer an extended search through "friendly" Q2A sites.
I hope one can understand what I mean, but this I think would be really a good one.
Any comment or related ideas are very welcome !!!