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+9 votes
in Themes by
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A new challenger approaches...
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a coffee?! Nevermind, it's just Frapuchino.


A new Material Design, shape shifting theme.

Pre-purchase now and get a 20% discount.
only available until its release.

Note: The theme is still in development, and it's not in its final form.

Desktop version: in development - 96%
Mobile version: in development - 75%
RTL version: in development - 50%

Online demo - Frapuchino Live
Pre-order - Get Frapuchino


Click on images to see full-size.

 Screenshot #2

Screenshot #3

Screenshot #4

Cool. Looks very nice. Just a suggestion from Muffin theme -- if any features are inbuilt to the theme like say displaying question description on question lists or editor preview, please add an option to disable them. Because this might be conflicting with some plugins.
Thanks a lot for the feedback Arjun, I wasn't aware this has been happening.
Wow, it looks amazing !
Could you post mobile version screenshots ?
Thank you @Codedz :) Mobile, RTL version and theme in general are still in development, so it might take a few days before posting some screenshots of it.
Good job! Keep it up!
Very great job Thanks gold.developer.
When I was looking for a qa script I found https://qaengine.enginethemes.com/ that is work with wordpress but I dont accept it on wordpress but the theme is perfect.Yours reminds me it.
Also you can add one more page about statistics that tell about sites questions , answers , comments ,pendings and more.
Oh wow, the design scheme is very similar to both of my themes. Thank you @berzan .
There's already a plugin that adds an extra page to User profiles and shows a more in-depth user activity. I guess i could implement ready-styles for that plugin within the theme, like I did for Badges and On-site-notification plugins.
Wow this is great. I appreciate you for awesome job and I have some suggestion.

Right section need to some edit, I mean widget section. Because Welcome widget doesn't seem gentle.

But others are good enough.

Waiting for releasing

And one more thing: Please make it dollar euro is not universal and suitable I guess for most users
Thanks a lot @Bymemor :) Yeah the right sidebar hasn't been worked on yet, only the Activity widget so far.
There's now a couple of Mobile Screenshots available @Codedz
Awesome job! Best theme! As a suggestion, use mansory in grid option (like pinterest) that would be great!
Frapuchino theme is now out

4 Answers

+2 votes
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Best answer

Mobile version is being cooked!
in development - 75%

Cellphone Screenshot #1

Cellphone Screenshot #2

Cellphone Screenshot #3

Cellphone Screenshot #4


It is my personal thought that dekstop version of your theme is awesome, great and make me buy it. But mobile version is so smooth and look so ordinary. Maybe you try to make it looks similar to dekstop version
thank you for the feedback @Bymemor . Yeah, the concept was keeping things simple and minimal as possible. For now this is the design. We'll see where it goes from there.
+2 votes

Very nice this theme....

Please give me this theme

please!!! please!!! please!!!!
Thanks a lot @Md.Ashraf . Well, this is a premium theme, but if I ever think about giving away a copy in a sort of raffle or something like that in the future, I'll let you know.
Thanks for inspiring the idea ;)
+1 vote
How many cost?

Where i can see a pic on cell phone

Does it work for all plugins?
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Hey there @Monkey . The theme is still in development overall. The cellphone version and the RTL version are still in queue to be developed, so there's no screenshots from it yet. The theme has minimal core changes, that way it'll run flawlessly without any major theme updates necessary for a long run. The price will be available soon on the theme's landing page.
+1 vote
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Live Demo now available!

Online demo - Frapuchino Live
Pre-order - Get Frapuchino

In regards the mobile version, The theme was supposed to get the necessary handlers to be mobile ready all in one theme, but after a bit of thought, I've decided I'll be creating a whole new theme that only handles the mobile version.

After all not everyone has good internet connection, or a fast cellphone, so things will be as minimal as possible but of course following the main desktop theme standards.

The official release date was supposed to be around October 27, but it might take a little longer than that.
