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in Plugins by

Instead of just using one type of ad, give us multiple options for different types of ads at different places (like something which we can do in Q2A Widget Anywhere). But if we have widget anywhere plugin then why to update Basic adsense plugin? The simple answer is, ads can be placed to places where widgets won't be good. So here are some of the places for ads, if added in this plugin then it would make a tone of difference for us to earn more. 

  1. In between the list (after every few questions or after few questions from the top and before few questions from the bottom)
  2. Just before the main body of the question starts
  3. After the main body of the question and just before the tags in the question
  4. After the main body of the question and just before the buttons in the question (means after the tags)
  5. In between the body of the question (in between, after a few paras from the top and before some paras from the bottom)
  6. In between the body of the first answer (in between, after a few paras from the top and before some paras from the bottom)
  7. In between the body of the last (in between, after a few paras from the top and before some paras from the bottom)

Now, of course, these things can overlap, like if the question has only one answer then its the first and the last answer. So in that case, one of the ads should stop playing. Or the question has just one para then one ad should stop playing. I know it would be a big change for this plugin, but this would give us a strong hold on our monetizing capacity.

What's your take on this??

Q2A version: 1.8.1

1 Answer

0 votes
Basic adsense plugins needs some improvements. You can use simple ads manage by me or another version by arjunsuresh. Your suggestion are good for improvement of plugin. I will try to implement those if I get time or may be ask arjunsureh to implement.

Ads manager, Badges, extra rewards, notifications should be part of core q2a or plugin. It will help to build strong community.
Thanks for the reply but I did look at your plugin and but you haven't replied to a PR by @arjunsuresh for two years, so I thought that you have abandoned the plugin.
actually I didn't merge his patch because just wanted to keep these two plugin separate. My plugin is working fine for the features I implemented. I may add some diff features in next version than what arjunsuresh implemented.

You can use my or his plugin, both are working fine with v1.8.2