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+4 votes
in Plugins by
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Hi everybody,

I read many questions where users were complaining about spam registrations. Here, I developed new plugin that should 100% prevent spam registrations. 

Plugin name:  NoSpam

Price: 50 USD  new price 30 USD

How to buy: PM me please

Here how it works:

  • The plugin offers various methods to combat with spammers
  • ONLY ALLOWED EMAIL PROVIDERS: admin can set which email providers are allowed. Spammers tend to use non-common email providers. So, it will partly filter them out.
  • CHECK UPPERCASE CHARACTERS: admin can enable this to check if users input email comprises uppercase characters (spam emails tend to have uppercase lettes).
  • ADD NO-FILL INPUT: it is hidden no fill input inserted on registration page. Spam bots tend to fill all input elements in the form, so it will mislead them.
  • ADD CUSTOM ANTI-SPAM QUESTION: admin can add a set of anti-spam questions with its answers. On each register page load, the script will randomly select one of anti-spam questions and ask users to answer it. This will prevent majority of spam registration if number of questions are high.
  • CONFIRMATION LINK BEFORE REGISTRATION: when user attempt to register, it will generate 8 digits alfanumeric code and store all input data (handle, password, email, code) in to a temporary database table with current time (starttime) and time 24 hours later (endtime). And script will send email with confirmation link to the users email address. The user needs to click that email within 24 hours (before endttime, which is expire time). Once user clicks that link within 24 hours then REAL Q2A REGISTRATION (add row to users database table) will be processed and temporary row at database table will be immediately deleted. If user fails to click that link then after link will expire after 24 hours and the users row on temporary database table will be automatically removed. (It will need cronjob)
  • Admin can enable/disable each above methods.






Q2A version: q2a 1.7.5 customized
although i sold this plugin many times for 50 usd. I make it now 30 usd. I define price couting how much time i spent on it. This was quite tough plugin to design. But I myself need it too to stop spams.
Where to buy? Are you still actively supporting it?
pm me i will give me email to you.
Agrre, I am poor too

1 Answer

+2 votes
Feature request:

In my opinion we can't fight against spamers with these methodes. What they want is to leave a link so they get backlinks, so why we do allow them to do so.
I need a plugin which does not allow new members and guests to post links in their first postings.

If they are not allowed to post a text with links in it, they can't post anything. There is no need for new members to post a link. Normally a new member asks a question or give an answer but there is no need to post a link in the first posting. Spamer will not reach their goal to post a link.


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dont forget that this plugin only fights against spammers during registration. And this method 100% prevents all non-human registration. I tried of saying it. I am myself using it on my q2a website. Prior to this, I got 8-10 spam registrations in a week. After this there is zero spam registration.
Only and only non-stupid humans can pass these registration steps with plugin.
The one you are saying is another issue. The posting is after registration process. If you prevent robots during registration they cannot post.
Yeah, thats right as long as only registered members can post, but in my forum I allow non registered members to post, and for that it is a good solution to prevent them from posting links.