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How can I remove the icons from the qa-nav-main-link Links?

Q2A version: 2.18

1 Answer

+1 vote

In order to remove the icons in the menu follow these steps:

1. Edit file qa-theme/SnowFlat/qa-styles.css

2. Search for all CSS selectors like .qa-nav-main-link:before and remove the line inside of them with the content attribute, except for the selector that is exactly .qa-nav-main-link:before (see next step). E.G.: turn this:

.qa-nav-main-activity .qa-nav-main-link:before {
    content: '\e804';

Into this:

.qa-nav-main-activity .qa-nav-main-link:before {

3. For the class that looks like this:

.qa-nav-main-link:before {
    font-family: "fontello";
    font-size: 24px;
    content: '\e80d';

Instead of removing the content line, add a visibility attribute like this:

.qa-nav-main-link:before {
    font-family: "fontello";
    font-size: 24px;
    content: '\e80d';
    visibility: hidden;

4. Clear your browser's cache and refresh the page
