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+8 votes
in Plugins by
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Is such a nice & vital plugin for a modern Q&A site, but it has a lot of minor bugs with new themes and long standing issues such as insisting on adding www. in front of the domain everywhere etc. not working well with multiple possible domains.

There are also plenty of forks on github... but none really tries to pull it all back together into a modernized version :(

Anyone willing to give it a go? We could even setup a crowed-sourcing effort at bountysource or such?

Very True! This plugin should be fixed as the site powered by Q2A are lacking external login. Thanks for highlighting the issue.

2 Answers

+1 vote
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Yes there where the main ones with minor fixes I was referring to. The first one seems to be mainly related to Japanese language changes though.

Luckily I was able to resolve the www issue though (stupid mis-configuration of my Q2A page and some .htaccess based enforcement rules seems to have been the solution).
Can you list down issues clearly and with which theme. Both plugins are used by their owner on their site and dont know if they noticed issues you are facing.
I am using it now too, and while it overall works (besides a snow theme issue with the merge button that is easy to fix), it just feels very rough around the corners and you have to manually update hybridauth to the latest version etc.

For such a vital and security sensitive plugin it also feels not so great to use a basically non-maintained system...
I think then you should fork this plugin and fix these issues. It will help others. thanks
Yes, of course... but I wouldn't be asking if I was able to really fix it up properly :(
IMHO the best outcome would be if this functionality was to become a core part of Q2A and not a plugin.
+3 votes

I'm working on it. I'm not sure I can fix all the issues, but I plan to have something working for me so if I find issues I'll fix them. I will send all the patches to https://github.com/alixandru/q2a-open-login/ - from what I see he's still accepting pull requests. I'm not sure about the other forks. If anyone is working on it the best is to send the pull requests to the original project...
