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I am going to purchase shared hosting services from http://www.net4.com/net4app/aspx/hosting/website-hosting.aspx#z.

Is this company good for q2a?

Suggest me with your ideas too.
my personal opinion is dont go for net4u, its one worst hosting

1 Answer

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Net4 reviews are not good, looks like they are not reliable. search online. Also 500MB space is less, it may be good to start but you will need more space over the time.

Here is list of some reliable hosts for q2a....

ok, what about GoDaddy? It seems to be reputed
I listed GoDaddy also in above list, they are good.

Currently I use bluehost and hostgator, their cPanel and customer support is good. so far no issues I faced. If you are comfortable with sever hosting then go with Amazon AWS, they are cheap and dedicated server performance is fast.

Also Amazon gives 1GB server FREE for 1 year. After that reserved instance pricing is around $3 for 3 year or $5 for 1year.
Yes, Amazon AWS is better,cheap, but I am not able to understand there policy can you please help me. Are they providing free database also for 1 year?
It is simple, dont use their RDS service.  

Install php and mysql on the instance you reserved. You can then create as many mysql db as you want and install as many sites as you want on the same server.
follow steps until instance setup. for installing apache and LAMP use instructions from below page.
This will install php7 and mysql 5.6. which will give good performance for Q2A.

also see below page. We used Amazon AWS 1GB server for this.
unable to connect to the instance. Trying to connect it with java. Java is enabled in the browser.