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What is the best hosting server for Q2A with traffic like question2answer site with less cost?

Can anyone give any idea on these options:

1. Amazon Cloud server (Cost is very high)

2. DigitalOcean (Cost is less compared to AWS)

3. Godaddy

4. Inmotion hosting

I would also love to listen from @Scott about best option as question2answer website is hosted on DigitalOcean.
Q2A version: 1.8.4

2 Answers

+3 votes
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Best answer
The Q2A site runs on Digital Ocean, my own personal and business sites run on Linode. Both are very similar in what they offer and great value for money (e.g. for $10/month you get a way, way better server than your typical shared host).

The main drawback of them is they can be complicated to set up, you usually need to log in using the command line and install stuff. However, I think Digital Ocean is much more friendly in that regard, they have UI wizards for some things.

I stay as far away as possible from Godaddy for ethical reasons (you can look up how bad a company they are).

Can't comment on the others since I've never used them. There are many hosting companies out there, I'm sure most of them are fine.
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@Scott, are you using separate database server for Q2A site or on the same server where application file exist?
Which would be better for scaling?
Will you suggest me please?
Also can I know how much it cost you hosting q2a on digitalocean?
This will help me to move to digitalocean as AWS is very costly, AWS charge extra for bandwidth usage but digitalocean gives free bandwidth in TB
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Mine is on Amazon Cloud (AWS). I run mine free for 12 months, however after that it'll be ca 30$/month and then maybe I'll move

How you run it for free?
T2 micro instances are free for a year for new users.
AWS charge huge cost for data transfer but digitalocean give free data transfer which I think sufficient for most website