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+80 votes
in Q2A Core by
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I think it would be very useful for every user of Q2A, if there was an official user-submitted directory of CSS themes (free and paid) with screenshots and preview thumbnails, like there is for Wordpress. One could browse such directory and download the suitable theme for their website.

If you want such a directory, vote this question UP.

Themes directory will differentiate qa from others.

5 Answers

+1 vote
Definitely a good idea. It's not really a top issue until we have more themes, however.
+8 votes
edward is right, we need more themes. So if you want a theme directory, make a few great themes then maybe gideon will make a bigger themes section in the add-ons page, with thumbnails and so on.

I have made a new theme for my site which I think is pretty slick. When I make it live on the site I may provide a version of it for download, plus my old theme.
+5 votes
it will be good if Gideon takes initiate on this.
i know. this question is the hottest request at the moment (27 april) and already collected 9 up votes in less than 2 days
+5 votes
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is a good list, everybody who has produced a new theme can contact gidgreen. I am sure he will list it.

But the theme list could, indeed, be improved by adding previews (e.g. mouse over and you get a 200px x 200px image)...

and +1 that gidgreen hosts them on question2answer.org to prevent lost themes (happened already).

Screenshots would be awesome. They could be a standard part of the theme package.
+4 votes

It is a very good sign that day by day the q2a community keeps growing . Many themes , plugins has been developed . 

But now the problem is the visibility of the plugins/themes . So many developers developed many plugins and they are only inside the forum questions . It does not comes up . Getting hidden at some corner inside the forum . 

Gideon has already given a Addons page that has a list of plugins/themes that are developed by many contributers . But still the information is not so descriptive for users . and there are many plugins that are not listed there . 

I think it would be much better if we can have one common official website where we could upload all free and paid plugins . Also on the particular page for the plugins/themes , there would be some information like - no of downloads , screenshots , installation notes , compactibility , last updated date , user reviews . 

NOTE : This is not a demand . Just a humble request . So many users also agreed on this . It is the second highest voted thread on this forum . I know this costs so much of effort to maintain one more site . But still it would be helpful for the future of Q2A community . It will encourage developers to develop more . 

Give a upvote on the question/answer if you think like me . 
