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0 votes
in Q2A Core by
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When i browse the main site of Q2A (question2answer.org/qa) and my own site, it feels like that it is a little slow. Are there any plans to optimize it for speed and better performance in the future ?

Or maybe it feels slow because there are no Ajax effects, and every action (submit comment, login, edit answer etc) takes a page refresh to accomplish.

If you also think the software is rather slow, please let me know in the comments, so that i know whether others feel the same way.
Not sure why you got voted down as I think your question is a perfectly valid question. As for me, I haven't had any problems with speed while browsing this site.

5 Answers

+1 vote
No, I think Q2A is pretty fast. However, I think that if you are using the Candy theme, it can be a bit slower.
I'm using Candy theme now. Actually It is a bit slower...
Anybody has the same issue let think how to performance up with Candy theme.
+4 votes
if you feel site is slow then you can try some of below options.

0 votes
For me it's super fast camparing to other systems like wordpress or joomla. I think there is server and/or your internet connection issues :)
come on... if it was the Internet connection issue i would not post this question. its pretty easy to check if its the connection issue - you can simply open other websites for speed and compare.
0 votes
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This site is loading pages in sub-second response times for me ( North America with fiber connection) .. and the php files are loading in 100 - 400 miliseconds for the most part.. which seems very responsive subjectively ..  

but my own q2A install has much slower reponse.. the php files take over a second typically.. so clearly I have some tuning and caching to do  :)
+2 votes

It's running perfectly well on my site. Though I agree about the page refreshes making Q2A feel a little slower. A modal window for login would be cool.

There is an option to make Q2A always display the answer form underneath the answers. This makes the UI much better since you remove that page refresh, plus you don't need to find and click on a tiny button labelled "answer".

