is the website.
Apart from that I would suggest to add alt text for all images.
Here is what I did and its working for me: /qa-theme/Infinity-Theme/qa-layer-base.php, around line 185 to 195 find: $this->output('<img class="featured-image img-thumbnail" src="'.qa_opt('it_featured_url_abs') .'featured/'. $image.'"/>');
and edit it to: $this->output('<img class="featured-image img-thumbnail" src="'.qa_opt('it_featured_url_abs') .'featured/'. $image.'" alt="'.$this->content['q_view']['raw']['title'].'"/>');
This will get the question title and use it as alt text for the main image at question.
For the thumbnails you have to go to: /qa-theme/Infinity-Theme/qa-layer-base.php, around line 880 to 890 and find: $this->output('<img class="featured-image-item" src="' . $thumbnailName . '"/>');
and edit it to: $this->output('<img class="featured-image-item" alt="'.$q_item['title'].'" src="' . $thumbnailName . '"/>');