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I cant get the next and previews question links to appear at infinity theme.
Any suggestion, idea and solution are welcome!
Please post your website URL and some more input. There is a possibility of the overriding method conflicts. Need to check.
edited by
https://www.krilatifrazi.bg is the website.

Apart from that I would suggest to add alt text for all images.
Here is what I did and its working for me: /qa-theme/Infinity-Theme/qa-layer-base.php, around line 185 to 195 find: $this->output('<img class="featured-image img-thumbnail" src="'.qa_opt('it_featured_url_abs')  .'featured/'. $image.'"/>');

and edit it to: $this->output('<img class="featured-image img-thumbnail" src="'.qa_opt('it_featured_url_abs')  .'featured/'. $image.'" alt="'.$this->content['q_view']['raw']['title'].'"/>');

This will get the question title and use it as alt text for the main image at question.

For the thumbnails you have to go to: /qa-theme/Infinity-Theme/qa-layer-base.php, around line 880 to 890 and find: $this->output('<img class="featured-image-item" src="' . $thumbnailName . '"/>');

and edit it to: $this->output('<img class="featured-image-item" alt="'.$q_item['title'].'" src="' . $thumbnailName . '"/>');

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