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+5 votes
in Q2A Core by

If you are tied of having plugins to do a number of things like me, you have probably tried forking Q2A to enhance it. Now for me I forked from Question2Answer v1.7.4 with Snow Flat Theme.

Main features enhanced:
1. Html Editor in Admin panel especially in Layout, posting and custom pages

2. SnowFlat is the default theme
3. Stats page in Admin enhanced to look beautiful

4. Snow Flat theme now shows admin subnavigation in left sidebar and no right sidepanel

If you want to try it out check it on my Github https://github.com/JackSiro/Question2Answer/

Q2A version: v1.7.4
Good challenge.
welcome sir. it is a nice challenge to anyone willing

3 Answers

+1 vote
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Best answer
Affected files include:
1. qa-include/qa-page.php
2. qa-include/pages/admin-default.php
3. qa-include/pages/admin-pages.php
4. qa-include/pages/admin-stats.php
5. qa-theme/SnowFlat/qa-theme.php
6. qa-theme/SnowFlat/qa-styles.css

Added files include:
1. qa-include/pages/admin-editor.php
2. qa-plugin/adminlte

Explanation of my tweaks
1. To show html editor on admin page:
  a) I created a separate page 'admin/layouteditor'.
  b) I On form fields with textarea I added a custom link for each of them.
  c) The links is to open the layout editor with reference to the textarea above it.
  Note: this page is away from the layout field supposing you still to hard code.

2. To show Admin menu on the left:
  a) I had to hide the normal sidepanel on admin pages just as it is hidden in user profile
  b) I create a left sidepanel with the use of qa-style.css
  c) I created a function on qa-theme.php to manage the same
3. To show the beatiful stats page:
  a) I added a small plugin I called adminlte
  b) I replaced the top qa_content form on stats page with custom code.
 Note: After you download my code
 1. create a backup of your current system
 2. open the mentioned files above and look out for these words: "Added Line Begin" and "Added Line End" to find modified code.
 3. When applying changes please compare with the current system.
thanks ! I will check this today ! :)
+1 vote
Hello, is it important to change ALL  files, or only some specific ?

I'm interested to use some of Your tweaks - admin dashboard, html editor in custom pages etc.

Let me know how to do this, if You can :)
thank you for your intrest. I answer you with a comprehensive list of affected files
+1 vote

In my new hack the following files were affected:

  1. qa-include/db/install.php
  2. qa-include/pages/register.php
  3. qa-include/qa-install.php


  1. To set default usefields to be shown on registration form by default
  2. Show custom userfields i.e full name, website e.t.c on top of defaults ones like email, usernames
  3. Show a beautiful error or success page when script on "qa-include/qa-install.php" is run
@Niko the developer of this repo is providing you his code and changes for free (in case you didn't understand then he isn't asking anything in return for his work). Moreover the dev also never forced you to use his code, so how  you lose your time because of him?

Finally, if it works or not, the least thing that you can do is "talk in a respective manner".  And if it doesn't work then, raise an issue on it's repo or use some other solution but talking shit is not the way to behave in a community.
Criticism should be perceived normally, especially if it is correct)
Critism is only taken normally if it's constructive. Yours wasn't constructive and only insulted the dev. So you should not talk about critism.