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+18 votes
in Q2A Core by
I'm thinking to form a testing team for q2a upcoming github version. I know all github code changes (patches) are verified before committing but better to be tested by community members. We can come together to test github version and discuss about new features required for Q2A. This will help to make q2a better.

If we find any issues then we can post on github. All new features we can discuss then suggest to developers, Scott, pupi1985 etc.

What do you think? anyone interested to join?  You dont need to understand php code, just test q2a and discuss about new features.

If there are enough members then I can setup Q2A closed site for testing and discussion purpose.

Hello @ProThoughts,

It's very nice that you wanna improve Q2A by making a testing team but, right now Q2A needs a development team more than a testing team. Now you already know that so it would be better if @Scott take this responsibility and make a team of two or three so that work can be divided properly.
Then only testing of Q2A comes in play. :)
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@Gurjyot Singh, people who are expert in development are already adding features in Github code. We will not get people by announcing here. Unfortunately we are not getting enough people for development.  It is sad for Q2A.

Scott is already development lead and he is trying his best.

Development and Testing are equally important to improve Q2A quality. I can at least take a lead for that. Let us see if it works.

We all need to contribute in some way to make Q2A better.
Q2A version 1.8 from Github is not stable, here is one more serious issue reported today.

Also below issue is still pending.

hence setting up test site is delayed....
above issues are fixed. I'm setting up testing site with github q2a v1.8 now.
I am fully willing to test the new versions as I need my website to be updated as advanced as I t can be....
I will help you whenever you want!
@shri sun, great! thanks for your support. I will update you as soon as site is ready.

8 Answers

+10 votes

I totally agree with ProThoughts and I'm pretty sure "We all need to contribute in some way to make Q2A better" really summarizes the whole issue. Many users ask and very few users give. And despite the fact that few users are capable of writing code (and even less of them actually do so) I'm considerably surprised that very few users give their time for other additional tasks that can really improve new releases.

I agree with Gurjyot on the fact that more developing hands would, of course, decrease release time. However, waiting for a "development team" to come in order to help with testing is not only utopic but also not exactly accurate. The reason is that this behaviour makes the assumption that currently there is nothing to test, which is not the case. Every merge in the dev (and now in the 1.8) branch could/should (must?) be tested. I've created an issue (bug #488), which in QA jargon would be a showstopper, and so far nobody noticed it (because no one was actually testing that).

In fact, a matter of weeks ago, ProThoughts created this post in here http://www.question2answer.org/qa/55467 which was very helpful as nobody had noticed that issue before and it was critical. Now it is fixed. So it is proven that testing indeed helps.

So I want to emphasize that I like the idea of people actually spending time on making things better and getting their hands dirty (because there is no other way). However, it is also important to understand that anyone can contribute (developers, testers, designers, etc) as anyone can create pull request in GitHub, or create an issue detailing steps to reproduce an unexpected behaviour (bug) or even post a question here asking for assistance on how to do so.

@pupi1985, hope Q2A user understand importance of contribution for the improvement. We also need lead for UI/theme design. We all can give ideas and someone can lead new theme design work.

Together we can make q2a successful similar to wordpress or phpbb software.
+4 votes
Thanks ProThoughts. I would be willing to join and contribute when I can.
@bluegenel, thanks, will update you once I setup site.
+2 votes
i can join if u wish

(i want do something for community but i can't mostly :/ )
Ok, let Scott decide something on this. thanks!
@pupi1985, I installed v1.7.4 and the upgraded with latest github version(1.8) and everything worked fine. No issues seen for upgrade.
This issue is fixed now....will install q2a site and update you all.
I reported another issue with Github version...

This site setup may get bit delayed....
+3 votes
Let me know how I can help.
sure!... thanks!
+3 votes

I am interested.where is the link for upcoming version for installation and testing?
+3 votes

hello this first comment in question2answer.org new features required for Q2A

Minify - JavaScript and CSS for speed mobile and better seo


euror nginx v 1.10 and ngx_pagespeed euror logs

auto cdn cloud flire max cdn

question topic

we can discuss this in another thread .....

- You can use cloudflare CDN with Q2A, its cache is different than Amazon CloudFront CDN.
- Q2A should work with Mariadb, at least current version. Not sure for future releases.
itrasfer the sql to mongodb andmariadb not work
work on centos / mariadb // ubuntu 14.01 14.04 not workat all
euror log with ngx_pagespeed i test it lot ofeuror see issue on github
+4 votes
I would love to take part and suggest features as well as figure my way around the code and help in anyway that I can.

I would love to see an entire badging/trophy system as that's one of the biggest things that keep users engaged and motivated to participate. It's a similar concept to forums.
+5 votes

Hello, for some reason I never answered this question when you first asked but I just wanted to add I think it's a great idea! If people are not able to contribute with code then testing and bug reports is the next best thing. Thanks for taking the initiative.

One thing that would be useful is to create a list of everything to test, so that all the testing team can follow it to not miss anything important. Or each person can pick a section to test.

For example you could have:

  • Test basic installation
  • Test install with Wordpress integration
  • Test registering a new account
  • Test resetting password
  • Test asking a question
  • Test adding a widget
  • Test moving widget to new position

And so on. Try to test some edge cases and errors, e.g. set minimum points or user level for an action like voting and check a new user cannot do it.

Yes, by following this system it will reduce load,time and confusions too.
@scott, thank you for the feedback. I will consider all these point. I'm also thinking for more interactive site so if there are any other issues then we can catch earlier.
@scott, sent PM to on this, please check.