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+4 votes
in Themes by

How can we make a three column web site with question2answer application

1 Answer

+3 votes

The theme of Q2A is designed on the premise that there are two columns. You can understand it by looking at the body_content () function in qa-include/qa- theme-base.php.


In addition, Q2A widget system is also made on the assumption of two columns. You can understand it by looking at the sidepanel() function in qa-include/qa- theme-base.php.

$this->output('<div class="qa-sidepanel">');
$this->widgets('side', 'top');
$this->widgets('side', 'high');
$this->widgets('side', 'low');
$this->widgets('side', 'bottom');
$this->output('</div>', '');

If you do not need to display widgets in additional columns, you can add columns by overriding some functions in the base theme. Or, with javascript + CSS. For example, it is when displaying a menu on the left panel.

Example of my three culumn layout:

Otherwise, you will need to fundamentally remodel the core to realize a generic 3-column layout (which can display widgets).

What are the changes should i do in theme to get above design for my website ?
and kindly explain me with the source code