The update is minor but, I think it will help everyone. The main update is that YouTube and Vimeo videos will be responsive. Previous to this, no matter what screen size you are using, the videos used to be of fixed length and size. With this update you can watch video on any screen and the video will adjust itself to fit the screen.
This is my first contribution to Q2A community with any form of coding so I wish that you like it. :)
Desktop View

Mobile View

Compatibility: Q2A 1.8 beta-1
SnowLight Theme
Change Log
- [21-11-2017] Linked CSS file properly, Fixed a problem for YouTube videos not showing on websites with SSL
You can get plugin here. Download
I haven't changed much of coding so it should work perfectly but in case of any damage I won't be liable for any kind of compensation. You'll have to use this plugin at your own risk, so try it out at your localhost first.