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in Q2A Core by
The q&A is brilliant, I am new to php and sqla and am doing my best to use this as a template project to better get to grips with php and mysql and try things out. We have the q&a in a subfolder mywebsite.com/faq/....

Is the going to affect the mailing script, I ask this because emails are being sent for people who have requested an email be sent when there question is answered / commented however the email verification process and forgotten password process producing an email to the use, spam folder has been checked.

Any help would be much appreciated


1 Answer

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The emails are sent exactly the same way technically, so there should not be any difference. Perhaps this is something you can ask your web hosting company about?
Thanks for your response Gideon, I have spoken to our hosting company and they stated they allow the mail() script and to add -f just in case, I checked through qa-class.phpmailer and the -f attribute is added by default. As mentioned the question alert emails are working it is just when a member needs to confirm email address on joining or has forgotten their password.

Have you come across this issue prior as I can seem to pin it down to something I have done my end?

Hi I has same site as Q2A.Intially a Welcome page n when u click on Q2a button forum will open.To do this i kept my Q2a in separate folder.
So confirmation email going as
But It has to be http://example.com/qa/index.php/confirm?bla...
Why this error??How can I correct??