I am redesigning (structure) the user page and got stuck because the Favorite Form contains the H1 and the input field for the favorite action.
<form method="post" action="../user/kajus">
<span class="qa-favoriting" id="favoriting">
<input name="favorite_U_9_0" onclick="return qa_favorite_click(this);" value="" class="qa-favorite-button" type="submit">
<input name="code" value="securitycode" type="hidden">
This makes it very difficult to move the form or even moving the input field to another position does not work, since it is not in the form anymore.
My advice: Have the H1 standing alone (!) and the favorite form behind.
PS: And no, I cannot override function page_title_error() because I am using this function in many other plugins. And in this function we have:
Which causes the issue.
Update: Furthermore I cannot "touch" the *text* of h1 separately. The CSS always effects all elements within the H1.
I think it should be in qa-theme-base.php:
With an enclosing DIV around these elements.