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+7 votes
in Q2A Core by
q2a very good but it must develop quickly.
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I think so too. There will be a need to rebuild research and development organizations. Since Gideon has outstanding technical capabilities, he has created this system alone. For now, developers who can imitate him does not exist. And, personal development is limited. So, I think highly organized development team is coveted now.
scripts comments say that 1.8 is coming. Help is almost ready to come too. Let's me predict that QA will be in vers 4.0 in fall 2016

4 Answers

+5 votes
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Best answer
Yes it is still being developed! But since I do not earn any money from Q2A I only do it in my spare time. When I have a lot of paid work on, Q2A has to come second.

If anyone wants that to change, you'll have to get involved instead of complaining that progress is slow.
Hi Scott, when do you plan to integrate the 16 open pull requests? https://github.com/q2a/question2answer/pulls

I mean is there a scheme how to do it?
Several of those (about half) are not going to be merged. The bottom two for example are not correct fixes and require a larger refactor. At least 3 others are "proof of concept" by pupi1985 and not intended to be merged. The others I will merge when I get time.
I think there is no solution in this answer. Why this is the best answer? If this is the best answer, this problem will be also submitted.
@sama55 the question was, "is Q2A still being developed" and the answer is yes.
+4 votes

We waited almost a whole year to get a relatively disappointing upgrade from 1.6.3 to 1.7 back in early January this year. The screenshot (below) of 1.8's progress to date... shows quite clearly, that progress isn't that fast as to suggest we'll even see v1.8 any time soon. Let alone a full v4.x.x by fall 2016... I do wonder where some folk get their optimism from?

We'll be lucky to see 1.8.x in January 2016. Never mind a full v2, v3 and then  v4.

This is incredibly misleading. There is more recent work on the dev branch which will be released as 1.7.1 very soon. And it doesn't take into account how much work has gone into 1.8 already (look at the number of commits, not when the last one was).

I'm not sure how this is misleading? Pupi1985 stands out in particular for outstanding dedication to improving the Q2A core and others too contribute to that end... Of course that is progress. But a near release of v1.7.1 (to date)  6 months after v1.7.0  as I understand numbering convention is hardly construable as speedy progress? since convention usually implies that v 1.7.1/2/3 etc. are only 'tweaks' and or bug fixes to 1.7.0. by implication.

Looking at the pace of development clinically. v1.8.0 is a very long way off. Unless you Scott, can/will tell us differently?  

I have indeed considered the number of commits to the 1.8.0 'branch' (and others) and it is difficult to see anything there other than yet more 'tweaks' to the existing v1.7.xxx? Simply fixing a wheel, is not a major advancement and there are no signs of any 'goodies' the common user might reasonably expect to see in a major release?

Having said that... I don't in any way, deny there is dedicated effort on behalf of all concerned to move things along. I would hate to think anyone might have the impression I would devalue that effort in any way, and of course I apologise if such thoughts took root. I was simply trying to be realistic based on what I and others can see.
Sorry, I was too optimist ...
Apology not necessary... Optimism's a good thing! Even I have some Lol
just laughing too ... who knows, helpers will appear soon :)
+3 votes

Past, this discussion has been many times. However, it was not improved. We can choose this road. Fork is not a bad idea. Rather, it is encouraged. Gideon has also recommended it. However, it is important that many collaborators are aligned in it. Development manager, PHP developer, Markup engineer, Web designer, System tester, Marketer (Field engineer), etc. Do you think there are these human resources in this community?

+5 votes
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Just some brainstorming after being here for about 5 years: 

Q2A is great platform but it needs to be more appealing to masses. For example:

  • Improve this forum design to look more modern and clean, better themes/plugins directory (like other CMS'es do with visual information, internal theme, plugin downloads...
  • Present q2a platform as use for more than q&a platform (disscusion forum perhaps...) as wordpress did with blog platform.
  • User friendly instalation. Users should be able to install q2a without touching code.

In this way Q2A would gain more developer and users attention wich would result in faster development by many people. Thats my opinion. I would love to see q2a being developed for more years to come :)

Edit: Maybe some monetizing options for authors / author ? 

Open source can be profitable wich can lead to more motivation to develop core.

  • Donations. Why gideon don't accept offer to get donations ? Maybe someone would me more motivated ? Maybe even donate button in each profile ? So every developer/helper can get donations here...
  • "hosting" page where hosting providers can have their Q2A listed for comissions.
  • Not-selft hosted Q2A with premium options (also like wordpress.com did).

Of course if gideon doesn't plan to to something more with this software, forking and doing things i mentioned would be important in my opinion. 

And let's add the "gain points and reputation" issue. I would like to see for what I get points with my activities. With the 1.7.1 forum here, there is no chance to see that (!)