I am trying to include my avatar in my profile...
I was expecting something like a space to insert my url gravatar address or that the gravatar arose automatically based on my email address. One of the two things happens here... Either , when I press the button it goes to gravatar.com: http://pt.gravatar.com/ or If I only check the radio button, it presents the default avatar.
Furthermore, I tried to find a function similar to
qa_set_user_avatar($userId, file_get_contents($selectedAvatarFilePath), null);
to deal with gravatars and I was not able to find it. The only thing that I found was
qa_get_gravatar_html($email, $size) that generates gravatars and as far as I know it is used here (account.php):
if (qa_opt('avatar_allow_gravatar')) {
$avataroptions['gravatar']='<span style="margin:2px 0; display:inline-block;">'.
qa_get_gravatar_html($useraccount['email'], 32).' '.strtr(qa_lang_html('users/avatar_gravatar'), array(
'^1' => '<a href="http://www.gravatar.com/" target="_blank">',
'^2' => '</a>',
if ($useraccount['flags'] & QA_USER_FLAGS_SHOW_GRAVATAR)
However, I am not sure if it is working as expected.