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Q2A Blog tool is a premium blog plugin which enables Blogs like wordpress in Question2Answer websites.

With this plugin, you can allow your users to post new blogs on your website. Your users get nice content from community and you start engaging more audience.

. The key features are -

  1. Users can post blogs on the website
  2. All posts can be edited , hidden , hidden , commented , moderated
  3. Facility of creating a draft post which can be published later . Untill published no other users (Except Moderator , Expert and Admin ) can see the post . Special users may have permission to Edit or Publish or Delete the Drafts
  4. Email notification on commenting and when a post goes to moderation queue
  5. Full customization of All the features from admin panel 
  6. separate tags , categories , Sub Categories for blogs
  7. Posts page for all category and tags
  8. you are free to choose editor of your choice 
  9. Mark , unmark a post as featured , and a special featured page
  10. permission based . Admin can set restrictions on posting blogs 
  11. Closing posts . Once closed post will not accept any comments 
  12. Hide , reshow blog posts and delete posts
  13. Moderate the blogs , Approve and Reject posts 
  14. Search Module – You can all the Search Blog posts 
  15. Not even a single core hack
  16. Very simple Installation
  17. Compactible with 1.7 and 1.6.3
  18. flexibility to choose your own base URL for blogs such as (blogs , notes , posts) what ever 
  19. And Many more 

Changes in 1.2.2 

  1. Added Related posts widget 
  2. Added Recent Posts widget 
  3. Updated category error message 
  4. Show/Hide comment count on post page 
  5. Show post count on user profile page 
  6. Improved stats reindexing 
  7. Several bug fixes and performance improvements 

Changes in 1.4.2

  1. added XML SiteMap for blog posts , blog categories and tags 
  2. Improved SEO with XML Sitemaps  
  3. added Ads widget on all blog pages 
  4. added ads before blog post and after blog post 
  5. added category page link suggestions 
  6. added masonry page layout . Looks pretty good even if the posts are of different height on Featured blog post 
  7. added Recent comments widget 
  8. added separate options for choosing number of posts in featured page 
  9. added ability to view / hide post edited / hidden and reshown messages 
  10. better look in Snow theme 
  11. Enhancements on SnowFlat theme 
  12. Better compactibility with 1.6.3 
  13. Few other bug fixes and performance improvements 

Changes in 1.4.5

  1. Drafts link fix 
  2. Drafts page permission fix 
  3. Canonical URL fix 
  4. improved SEO 
  5. Several other minor bug fix and performance improvements 

Changes in version v1.5.0 

-  Profile bug fix if the user has not confirmed his email address 
-  Warn on leave if the user has not submitted the post /comment 
-  Fixed Admin Blog/moderate page new moderate post reject botton 
-  Fixed layer issue in Q2A Version 1.7 
-  Added Cleanstrap theme support 
-  Added Donut theme support 
-  Added Smart autoload which loads the older q2a files automatically without any extra configuration 
-  Added Fix for URL structure which support to configure the plural page 
-  Added one click delete option in the posts 
-  Removed unwanted dev code

Changes in version v1.5.1 
-  Improved CSS file selection logic
-  Improved layout for Cleanstrap theme
-  Fixed masonry layout for heavily loaded images

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Few screen shots 

1. Admin Panel Posting options 

2. Admin Panel Viewing 

3. Admin Panel Permissions 

4. Admin panel - Categories 

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Q2A version: 1.7
Yes it does create separate tables for blogs.
Yes the plugin should work with network configuration.
As your websites are having different table prefixes then it will create separate tables similar to q2a.
Great! thanks. add this as a key feature in above list.
Issue 1
"Mark , unmark a post as featured , and a special featured page" although this featured
is mentioned above , i can not see anywhere to mark article as featured article in post article link.

Issue 2
I have chosen post classifiation as Tags & category in Admin Side , so when i post an article i get choice of
category as well as i have place to write tags,
but after post is published i do not see categories option on right hand side of blog as demonstrated in demo of blog.
Hi Ami, I am using your plugin , i could not see flag option( in Article page as it is  question and answer page, Its good that it allows user of questionandanswer to login as same user in blog section, but when user submits post, the score is not increasing, its 100 point alwasy no matter how many blog post you publish, Is there any fix for above two issues, Ami , expecting your reply?

25 Answers

+2 votes
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Best answer
Hi friends and Ami.

I pay this plugin and install my site. Ami create cool plugin. I'm and my site all users like this Blog plugin.

My site Blog plugin page url: http://szh.kz/blogs Ami's support is just nice.
Thanks a lot for your review . :)
+3 votes

Interesting. Good job!

A small bug in the demo:

Hi @Ronlaw , This is not a bug rather Expected Behaviour . There are suggestions as default Q2A . If you would like to change or remove then it can do easily with some minimal code changes  .
+3 votes
Awesome plugin brother, this plugin is the missing link between various top forum CMS and Q2A. But your plugin filled a big gap and I am sure that many people around like me would also be wishing you all the very best. :)
Thanks a lot bro for your valuable feedback . :)
+4 votes
Thank you very much for your great Plugin.

It is really useful and fulfills one major blank of my forume.

And Ami's support is just awesome.

Thank you kindly for your quick responses while installing the plugin.

I wish you all the success.
Thanks a lot for your valuable review .
+3 votes
its great idea and perfect plugin! i want this! :)
+3 votes
hi Ami

Thank you for this great plugin !

is this plugin Suitable for use in all themes?
Thanks for your review . I have done this fully compatible with Snow and SnowFlat theme . This should work in other themes also with little modification in CSS file .
+3 votes
edited by
Bought and finally managed to try out this fantastic plug-in! This add on makes such a difference to any Q2A site that its features really should be part of the core imo. Anyway, it's not. So well done Ami for meeting our user needs in this area.

If you need to extend the 'social' aspects of your website I really do recommend this. Sure, the price is a bit steep but a lot has gone into it and there is no competition... BUY IT!!
Thanks @Funrunna for your valuable review :) . Glad that you are happy with my plugin .:) .
+2 votes
Hi Ami. I bought and installed the plugin on my website. I am using cleanstrap theme and in the blog list and blog view doesnt display the right side bar at all which means i cant display the blog widgets / blog categories.

Could you please help me with this issue as i cant use the plugin if i cant display at least the categories.


Best Regards
If this will be solving, please let me know cause i want to buy this plugin too. I am also using the cleanstrap theme by qa-themes.
Thanks for the purchase . For time being the Blog Tool plugin is fully compatible with Snow and SnowFlat theme . It is very difficult for a developer to making sure a plugin to work perfect on all other third party themes if it depends on layer .

So first , please try this using Snow or Snow Flat theme . If it does not work let me know (It should work fine) . Once it works fine in default theme , switch to your theme and test again . If you find any errors on the page / error log note them . And contact me at info@q2astore.com . If there are any display issues , can be fixed via css modifications . ( PS - Extra services / fixes regarding issues with third party plugins / theme might not be free )
Hi Ami, finally i figured it out. Cleanstrap theme uses somekind of its own framework to add widgets on different positions in the theme. I added the blogs arrays in the cleanstrap theme and made some css changes and now i can display the widgets on the right side of the blog template.

PS: this plugin is one of the best plugins i ever used with Q2A. Congratulations for this awesome work !!!
Sounds great . Thanksfor the purchase . Enjoy
+2 votes
Hi again Ami. I need your help!  I want in blog lists to truncate the title to 80 characters as bigger titles breaks my layout and this is important to me. How can i do that?? I can see in the admin panel that you are using the truncation function for truncate the widgets comments or the content text in the blogs list. How can i do also the same for the title in the blog lists ????


Best Regards
It should not be a problem . Blog tool supports Masonry layout . Make sure you have enabled the Grid layout from admin panel for the blog .
i already enabled the grid layout from admin panel but still i need the trim text function as i want to display posts titles in a single line at the blog list. For example i want to change titles  :

FROM    "This is a title with full length"    TO   "This is a title wi..."  exactly as you did it with the posts content !!

I think i have to modificate the blog-layer.php file but dont know where to start.
You need work a bit with the q_item_title() function in the layer . By the way I will add this feature in my next version of blog tool.
+2 votes
woow awesome
Thanks . I am glad that you liked it . :)
+2 votes
Previously I said that this plugin fulfilled the gap but now after using this plugin for 2 weeks, I can say that it's just amazing. The response for my website users over blog posts is increasing day by day and they are using it like their own blog.
But as a blogger I can say that this plugin not only gives the ability to share articles but also incorporates every feature that we need in a blog.
Can't say more about this but truly an awesome plugin.
Keep it up bro... :)
Thanks for the review :)
0 votes
Got a demo that is in english ?
The demo link is at top of the description of question.
Never mind, I looked at it wrong...