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I am in search for a fast and mobile friendly theme.
I checked in pagespeed several Q2A themes which appears in the add-ons page. pagespeed link > https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/
I checked all the themes at about the same time and with similar site configuration.
I checked the homepage and the question page (question page is slower on all themes).
I also checked if the theme is mobile friendly with this test: https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/mobile-friendly
Here are the results and if anyone knows of a faster and mobile friendly theme please write its name.
If you check your proposed theme against one of the fastest themes in this list here, it will be helpful in estimating the theme's speed.

3 Answers

0 votes

Diligent Theme has a Desktop scoring of 91 / 100 (mobile 75).

Start page test here.

Question page: 90 / 100 (mobile 74) - test here

Demo: http://www.q2apro.com/forum/

Thanks q2apro.com,
But what are the speed test results in compare to one of the fastest themes in the list?
It helps evaluating the themes if they are compare with the same site configuration (server, plugins etc)
0 votes

Hi Yoram , 

Just give a try to Donut theme . It has Inbuilt CDN support for base css and JS files , which boost up the site speed . 

It is responsive , lightweight and fast . Hope you will like it , 

http://www.question2answer.org/qa/39071/donut-new-free-responsive-bootstrap-theme-1-0 .

Hi Ami,
I have checked the theme (its on the list).
Its realy a good looking theme but it didn't score well on speed test.
0 votes

Check my FlexArmor2 (CPU is ATOM 1.6GHz wink).

