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I've finished the first release of a Proxy SSO plugin for Q2A. It enables you to use your existing site to authenticate your Q2A visitors. Your main site can be on a different server than your Q2A server.

User Interaction Demo Screencast

Installation Screencast

Note: The screencasts are large files and may take several minutes to download.

Github source and install instructions.

Let me know any comments.

Gideon, please consider accepting the core changes. Thank you for the great software.

As i'm understand this plugin allows to use another site login ? more details please.
I read the instruction in Github, and it seems q2a can only support 1 authentication method. Unlike for example Bugzilla, it authenticates via SSO and if no users are returned, checks the local database.

Can you confirm this?

I almost confirmed to use OSQA, but come across q2a and WOW! there is plugin to do SSO!
@Charleslcso: I believe that you're right for the current ver of Q2A. But there have been a number of changes in this area for 1.4. 1.4 isn't out yet and I haven't yet looked into it.

I think if you want to have your Q2A login work the way you describe, you'd be able to do it with some programming. You could also pay to have someone do the work for you. Q2A is still a young project, so there are not yet as many features available as there will be.
Thank you for the info.

1 Answer

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Best answer

This is fantastic - thank you. I've added this to the list of add-ons and will send you an email to discuss possible core changes. Thanks again!
