Welcome to the Question2Answer Q&A. There's also a demo if you just want to try it out.
+34 votes
in Themes by
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Hello All ,

Donut is Lightweight , Fast , Responsive , mobile friendly , OffCanvas design , powered by Twitter Bootstrap coated with a sleek and minimal design . And more over it is free . 

Hope you will like this . 

Download This theme from Store 

See in Demo

Feel free to use it and report any bugs if you find . 

I have more good plans for this theme . This will be actively developed by me and add new features regularly . 

Stay tuned ..................... :) 


  • Clean and minimal
  • Responsive Design
  • Light Weight and Fast
  • Inbuilt CDN support for base css and JS files , which boost up the site speed 
  • Cool Tooltip on hover on few elements 
  • and many more options

And many more useful features in pipeline for the newer version  . 

Whats new in 1.1 

  • updated navigation bar 
  • improved question page layout 
  • improved voting buttons 
  • updated users page with box layout 
  • updated tags with boxed layout 
  • and few more bug fixes 

Feel free to suggest , if you have any better Idea for this theme . I will try to add if it fits to this theme in next version .  

Few screenshots - 

Download This theme Now 

Q2A version: 1.8
BS bug of RTL might be addressed in the override in CSS. I am looking forward to your challenge.
Simply great work !!
can you please a share a demo to the theme. i remember earlier thr was one.
Ok . I am doing updates for q2a 1.7 . So once I finish with that i will upload a demo again . Thanks

19 Answers

+1 vote

donut-rtl.css and bootstrap-rtl.css are exist in theme but how can i switch to rtl ?
The work for RTL support is not completed yet . You need to wait for some more time . I will notify you once I am done .
thanks ami ,
for caring to rtl languages in web ;)
+2 votes
It's the best theme for the mobile. I also love it's simple yet beautiful responsive design. Thanks for giving us such information.
I am glad that it is useful for you . Enjoy :)
0 votes
Hi, I'm trying to reach you for small customization of your template. Is that possible? Or can you recommend someone else?
I have replied to your email . please check
+1 vote

I have installed the on-site-notifications plugin from http://www.q2apro.com/plugins/on-site-notifications and it works perfectly for the Snow theme and FlatSnow theme and others themes as weel. However, if I use Donut theme (which is the one that I want to use since it is free nice and responsive), the notification icon does not appear anywhere (on the other themes it appears on the top close to username when logged in).

The problem seems to be with the Donuts theme, but any help is welcom.

Thank you
Q2A version: 1.7

@Ami any update regarding on this issue ? Thanks.
Could not get time for this now . Need some time .
It was a small problem- may be some padding top fixed it. I had this fixed on my site but don't remember exactly what I did. You can see the CSS here if that would be helpful Or else just give the site link, it should be a quick fix.

+2 votes

A new version 2.0.1 of Donut theme is now available for download.

And here is what changed. 

  • Fix PHP warning when the subnavigation is not available (issue #91)

  • Fix tags overlaping on mobile devices (issue #92)


We are still waiting for RTL
I don't have plans to support yet on this theme.
0 votes
Hello @ami Tank you very much such a beautiful Update. great job.

Just i wonder when i am looking in private message. it does not show more than 50 messages. there is no pagination. And this theme need great notification. Do you have any plan reated with these in the future ?
0 votes
edited by

how to make this problem
