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+44 votes
in Plugins by
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I have developed the breadcrumb plugin for q2a which helps in Better SEO and easy navigation . That supports all q2a pages and can be translated into all supported languages . 

It is available for free now . Download it here

What is a breadcrumb in websites ?

A “breadcrumb” is a type of secondary navigation scheme that reveals the user’s location in a website or Web application.

Why We Need a Breadcrumb Plugin for a QA WebSite - 

The most improtant thing is Better SEO

According to SEO Experts , if you are maintainning a huge website then you should take care of making it better organized and Easy navigation .

No doubt the QA sites are really big having 500+ pages of questions (usually almost all) and well structured with Categories and Tags . And This breadcrumb plugin will give you better accessibility and Navigation for your website . 

From a search engine point of view; Google actually displays the breadcrumbs in the search results giving you more links in each search listing, which is a positive thing. It Provides another mechanism to highlight important keywords for the search engines to note in your navigation.

Also it adds content relevancy to your pages and adds on-page SEO emphasis that highlights specific anchor text rich linking to internal pages.

Click here to download all screenshots . 

To sum up, these are the features of the breadcrumb plugin :

  • Supports all q2a pages , plugin pages and also all costum pages with beatiful icons 
  • Option to choose weather to display the home link or not 
  • Option to truncate the Question title 
  • Option to enable / disable the last elemet link 
  • Option to enable / disable the icons 
  • CSS customization
  • Very simple installation:
  1. Copy the plugin folder in the qa-plugin folder
  2. Go to Admin -> Plugins section -> Choose required options and click save 
  3. Go to Admin -> Layout -> Breadcrumbs - add widget -> then add the widget to a proper position 
  • Full internationalization support: Every piece of text the plugin uses can be translated to other language . 

How much it costs you ??


You can download the full version from the store - http://q2astore.com/product/breadcrumbs/


  1. Added Spanish language support by Alvarofg
  2. Bug fix for #3 and #4 (please refer to github repo for detailed info)


Q2A version: 1.6.3
Just sent you the German translation for the Plugin. Thanks for making it open source.
Thanks a lot for the language file . I have added to github
nice work, Ami :)
Thank you @igael

20 Answers

0 votes
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Thankyou foir the fixes

I wonder what this option does as the description seems to be missing msomething.

I mean what are we supposed to put in that textbox?



also in mobile view turns to bullet points

the text box is the truncate length buddy . Suppose your Question title is too long .
Eg : "How to push code to GitHub and How do I merge them using Command Line tool blah blah" . And it will break the layout if it is too large . If you make the truncate length is 30(suppose) then the title will come like this .
Result title - "How to push code to GitHub..."

Hope this helps
I think I need to make the leble bit more descriptive . :P
For the mobile view , some resets might be there in the CSS . I did the CSS file to match the default Snow theme . You can edit the CSS file inside the plugin code to match you needs .
I will do for this new theme after its release (Noted).
Thanks for the help in finding bugs .
Thank you, some suggesting css would be nice to solve that mobile issue temporary
This issue is fixed in the dev branch , can you please check and let me know - https://github.com/amiyasahu/q2a-breadcrumbs/tree/dev
0 votes


Here is the screenshot


Ooppss . I missed this recent activity scenario . For all other pages it should work fine . Thanks for reporting . I will do the fix
added the fix . Plz check and let me know
Yep... it is fixed...
Thank you for the update.... :)
Enjoy .. :)                                     .
+1 vote
edited by

The plugin is very useful. Thanks.
I translated to Portuguese of Brazil
But he does not accept some characters as:

ç á í

You know how to correct this?

Thanks for using it . Can you put a screenshot here .
Thank Ami. I edited the answer
Not sure what is causing this issue . Need to check more on this
0 votes

After decent success of this plugin , I am now developing a new version with more improvements . 

Here are the latest updates 

  1. Completely rewritten for better code and performance 
  2. CSS improvements with responsiveness
  3. Different css files for different themes 
  4. compatible with q2a 1.7 
  5. removed the icons hence much faster loading 

I need few volunteers who can help me in testing . 


It is being developed here - https://github.com/amiyasahu/q2a-breadcrumbs/tree/dev


Please test it in your dev site and let me know if you are facing any issues here 



Screenshots - 


Snowflat theme - 


Donut theme - 



Note - Please dont use this version on your live site as it is not well tested . I will declare once the stable version is released 


0 votes
any update on this for 1.7.1????

I got it, but still same problem.... I am posting on github
Ok I have posted the problem on github.com
Ok , Thanks .. Need some time for fixing it .
Thank you Ami,
I am holding my upgrade because of this. Please let me know when you fix it...
0 votes
If you are using this plugin, then update the plugin to version 1.5.3.

The earlier version had some security issues which is fixed in this version.
+2 votes
Update please schema breadcrumblist
+1 vote
data-vocabulary.org schema is deprecated and is no longer supported by Google. Please migrate to using schema.org types.
    Go to - q2a-breadcrumbs/inc/Ami_BreadcrumbElement.php
    On line 50 and 51, substitute the links from this:


    to this:

    I have done that but then it gives different error see here https://ibb.co/WBMLQsL