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+4 votes
in Themes by
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I will release an advanced mobile version with more features once it is ready
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nice job man!
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what about Speed performance? Is that good with Yslow as well?

4 Answers

0 votes
Even when registered it give does not allow me to download the file

Please post new links
0 votes
I cannot download without regestring and i encounter the following when trying to register

Oops... DateTime::__construct() [datetime.--construct]: Failed to parse time string (13/08/1987) at position 0 (1): Unexpected character

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DateTime::__construct() [datetime.--construct]: Failed to parse time string (13/08/1987) at position 0 (1): Unexpected character
It should work now. Am totally sorry for that.
0 votes
Am truly sorry for the error that you experienced on my site. I have rectified evrything and I do hope it is okay.


Please do enjoy yourselves
Thanks a million!
Yes, I've downloaded it now. The mobile theme looks really good. Im going to be testing them and will post feedback
0 votes
I have tested the mobile version so far on my site:

It looks fine using the online emulators but  on my LG Optimus L5 ll it shows the front page very small and unreadable. I dont know why is that.

On my lg the esteem-theme works and shows perfectly
I Noticed And Thats Why  I Commented Earlier That I Will Come Up With A Better One But With The Same  Design.
Wow... Im looking forward to it! Its a very nice theme, just need to be fixed a little.
Thanks a million and keep it up