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+7 votes
in Plugins by

i would like to integrate Ajaxchat on Q2A.

here: https://github.com/Frug/AJAX-Chat/wiki/Custom-integration-howto

But i really don't know how to do ? i can pay someone to do this ?

thank you Claude
Q2A version: 1.6.2
I don't have an answer about the app you mention, but there is a chat plugin available (made by me) for Q2A: https://github.com/svivian/q2a-chat-room
Hi Scoot,

Thank's i already add this plugin. i just need more option because i would like to create a private room, for admin and moderator. This is why i ask this question. ;)

my problem, i'm not professional for this and really not understand some part, but i try ;).

if someone is interesting to offer this service, i can pay ;). i work for a nice project with Q2A in the future, but is under-construction.

if you know, let me know.

Thank you Claude
Hi Claude, I am interested in integrating Ajaxchat with your Q2A installation. Can you please PM me your requirements?
edited by
I have made this demo on my testing site you can see it on http://digitizormedia.com/qa -> first register / login to q2a site and then open chatroom -> http://digitizormedia.com/qa/chat - you can see you are automatically logged into chat.

I am writing a tutorial on this and will share it on this forum in a short while. You can use it to configure it on your Q&A. Best.

3 Answers

+5 votes
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Best answer

The integration involves three important steps:

1. Initializing the Q2A environment inside AJAX-Chat

2. Re-jigging Q2A users and setting them up so that they can log into AJAX-Chat without registering

3. Set Q2A user to be able to automatically log into chat if they are already logged into Q2A.

I have jotted down the integration steps on a detailed blog post which you can find here: http://digitizor.com/2014/01/30/integrate-ajaxchat-question2answer-q2a/


Thank you very much. I will try on monday. I see the demo perfect. I will try to hide some options : disconnect, select theme, and settings viewer for the user ;)

Thanks again
Tutorial Updated with new content and more information. Thanks.
0 votes

Hi dkd903, 

i follow your instruction, everything ok but only for the admin. When i try to login with the user, i get an error. 

maybe i do something wrong in config.php, CustomAJAXChat.php, custom.php. I think is some problem to redicrection because can not find the user. 


some error here on CustomAJAXChat.php :


// Store the channels the current user has access to
// Make sure channel names don't contain any whitespace
function &getChannels() {
if($this->_channels === null) {
$this->_channels = array();
$customUsers = $this->getCustomUsers();
// Get the channels, the user has access to:
if($this->getUserRole() == AJAX_CHAT_GUEST) {
$validChannels = $customUsers[0]['channels'];
} else {
$validChannels = $customUsers[$this->getUserID()]['channels'];
thank you for you help
Hi Claude, if you want to add custom rooms based on Q2A categories, then this tutorial may be of some help to you -> http://digitizor.com/2014/02/01/how-to-create-chatrooms-in-php-ajax-chat-based-on-question2answer-categories/
Is everything okay now?
Yes dkd903, this is perfect. Thank you very much for you help
You're welcome, sir
0 votes

After editing the file, I get a white screen with : // Question2Answer initialization: define('Q2A', true); require_once '../qa-include/qa-base.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-app-users.php'; require_once QA_INCLUDE_DIR.'qa-db-selects.php';


