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+3 votes
in Q2A Core by
Hope i don't get punished for spam or something but recently i started my new qna site about cryptocurrencies (like bitcoin, litecoin atc.)


Looking for feedback, justified criticism and suggestions on site design, ease of use and other things. Maybe to clean and dull ? Questions are also welcome

Thank you for ansers :)

3 Answers

+1 vote
edited by

You implemented my stream plugin, problem is you did not implement tipsy (JS and CSS). if you hover the news items in the right, the tooltips are shown on top of your site. The site is pushed down in this moment.

Good design. Clear. Good font, Open Sans.

Not made for mobile screens, not responsive.

Hope that helps.


PS: http://cryptoguru.net/polls → Notice: Undefined index: name in qa-app-format.php ...

Thank you, i will try to implement tipsy. I will use seperate theme for mobile.

Thank you for feedback and plugin i using. Btw can you remove error message from your post for security reasons ? i removed it from my site :)
of course... tip: turn off error notices in your php.ini
I'm done by using error_reporting(0); :)

And how exatly do i use tipsy ?Do i only need to use something like <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="tipsy.min.js">
</SCRIPT>  in my html ?
+1 vote
The theme is neat. I like the way you have positioned the Votes and Answers in your questions listing page. HOwever, in a question page when i click to add an answer in the ckeditor, the cursor does not appear unless i actually go ahead and type something this might bring some confusion to users.
edited by
Thanks, i will add that bug in my to-do list :) By the maybe someone know why is that ?
+1 vote
Very nice theme. Will you release it for download?
I may, but not sure when :)