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+3 votes
in Q2A Core by
Maybe it is too early but you said a basic plug-in architecture is done (kinda surprised since I was the only one who requested it and got down-voted lol).

I'm interested to hear some details if that's possible? Thanks!
related to an answer for: What are the additional features in 1.3?

1 Answer

+5 votes
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Best answer

The architecture is pretty similar to something like WordPress. There will be a qa-plugins folder where you can install plug-ins. A plug-in registers a PHP class to supplement Q2A in a certain way. For the next version four plug-in types will be implemented:

  • editor for custom content-editing fields (e.g. for WYSIWYG editor)
  • viewer for rendering content (could use for markdown)
  • page for custom types of page
  • login for logging in via other sites (e.g. Facebook Connect)

I know it wasn't such a commonly requested feature but (partly based on your input) it seemed like the most sensible way forwards, both to add new features myself, and to make it easier for other people to extend the system without touching the core.

BTW, plug-ins can also inject a form into the admin interface for their own settings.
