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+4 votes
in Q2A Core by
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This is Q2A theme that matches the Wordpress Iconic One ( http://demo.themonic.com/io/ ).

So far I have made some progress without making any changes to the original Iconic One theme style sheet, and without changes to the Q2A core files.



When I check the code using http://validator.w3.org/ and I get two errors from qa-widget-ask-box.php (Core file or Plugin file?)

<table class="qa-form-tall-table" style="width:100%">
<tr style="vertical-align:middle;">
<td class="qa-form-tall-label" style="padding:8px; white-space:nowrap; <?php echo ($region=='side') ? 'padding-bottom:0;' : 'text-align:right;'?>" width="1">
<?php echo strtr(qa_lang_html('question/ask_title'), array(' ' => '&nbsp;'))?>:
if ($region=='side') {
<td class="qa-form-tall-data" style="padding:8px;" width="*">
<input name="title" type="text" class="qa-form-tall-text" style="width:95%;">

The width attribute on the td element is obsolete. Use CSS instead.  - referring to width="1" and width="*"

Does anyone have a clue how to correct these two errors.


4 Answers

0 votes
Hello how did you make the io theme to work with question2answer?
edited by
Additional themes will be available.

Currently working on ..

Iconic One,  Customizr,  Responsive,  Attitude and Twenty Thirteen.

All Themes are fully responsive and score well using Google Page Speed and Yahoo! YSlow on the GTmetrix website.
Thank's men It's great Thank you very much
Where is the download link for Iconic One did you delete it?
Updating beta version - correcting mistakes.  Will publish download link when finished.
0 votes

You should Use width:1; instead of width="1" inside the style attribute

Thank you for your answer but I am trying to find ways of over-riding these values without making changes to a core file.
+1 vote

hi monty&bex

i install this theme but when i use first url option in Admin>Generals and save options style files and pictures don't load in admin panel and question page but in other links like users , ask page , tags , home and other pages styles load successfully


what is the problem ?

I too am facing the same problem with Iconic theme. Please help me out.
0 votes

Where can I download the Theme? Link (http://kerfuffled.org/test1/) does not work :(
