Below is my error that I get, requesting the site works the first time, the second time returns this error and then the 3rd one works again:
Question2Answer query failed:
LOCK TABLES qa_blobs WRITE, qa_cache WRITE, qa_categories WRITE, qa_categorymetas WRITE, qa_contentwords WRITE, qa_cookies WRITE, qa_iplimits WRITE, qa_mamlmconfirm WRITE, qa_messages WRITE, qa_options WRITE, qa_pages WRITE, qa_postmeta WRITE, qa_postmetas WRITE, qa_posts WRITE, qa_posttags WRITE, qa_sharedevents WRITE, qa_tagmetas WRITE, qa_tagwords WRITE, qa_titlewords WRITE, qa_userevents WRITE, qa_userfavorites WRITE, qa_userfields WRITE, qa_userlimits WRITE, qa_userlogins WRITE, qa_usermetas WRITE, qa_usernotices WRITE, qa_userpoints WRITE, qa_userprofile WRITE, qa_users WRITE, qa_uservotes WRITE, qa_widgets WRITE, qa_words WRITE
Error 1146: Table 'xxx.qa_mamlmconfirm' doesn't exist