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+4 votes
in Q2A Core by
Q2A version: 1.6 beta

2 Answers

+4 votes
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Best answer

By refering mouse hover plugin I have used the code directly into the theme.. :) just to make sure I have added in q_item_title($q_item) function.. However you can use this code in any function which gives you post id..


$pid = $q_item['raw']['postid']; //question id
$query = qa_db_query_sub("SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid = $pid");
$cont = qa_db_read_one_assoc($query);
$blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg();
$text=qa_viewer_text($cont['content'], $cont['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg));
$text=qa_shorten_string_line(qa_html($text), 200); //200 is the length
$this->output('<p class="your-class-for-text">',$text,'</p>'); //you can remove 'p' if you don't want
Or get code from here...



how to show extra field on index page?

in which file i can find the function q_item_title($q_item) ? I cant find the function to add the source.
You can find this function in qa-theme-base.php but you have to override in your theme file or plugin.
edited by
Hello jatin.soni,

thank you for your fast reply. I found in qa-them-base.php the function
function q_item_title($q_item)
                '<div class="qa-q-item-title">',
                '<a href="'.$q_item['url'].'">'.$q_item['title'].'</a>',

how i have to override now? Im not a programmer, would be happy if you coul show me how to override, i mean how must look the code above after overriding. Thank you a lot.
Yes. So select this code in qa-them-base.php:
function q_item_title($q_item)
                '<div class="qa-q-item-title">',
                '<a href="'.$q_item['url'].'">'.$q_item['title'].'</a>',

replace to:

function q_item_title($q_item)
         $pid = $q_item['raw']['postid']; //question id
$query = qa_db_query_sub("SELECT postid, content, format FROM ^posts WHERE postid = $pid");
$cont = qa_db_read_one_assoc($query);
$blockwordspreg = qa_get_block_words_preg();
$text=qa_viewer_text($cont['content'], $cont['format'], array('blockwordspreg' => $blockwordspreg));
$text=qa_shorten_string_line(qa_html($text), 200); //200 is the length
                '<div class="qa-q-item-title">',
                '<a href="'.$q_item['url'].'">'.$q_item['title'].'</a>','<p class="your-class-for-text">',$text,'</p>',

But this is not perfect, because there isn't wrap in text. Example this example
ccccc  ddd
will be this:
Aaaaa bbbb cccc ddd.
The webpage design is ok.
+1 vote
If you mean showing the main question text, there is a plugin included in Q2A (I think it's the mouseover-layer one) that shows the question text in a tooltip. You can modify that quite easily to put the text inline.