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Does anyone know how to Transfrom the Text Titles to begin with capital letters instead of lower cases.

for example:

Recent questions tagged plugin

To look like

Recent Questions Tagged Plugin

I need it to transform the window text from the lower cases shown in the pic above to show the first letters capitilized.


1 Answer

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Best answer

You can achieve this by modifying head_title() .. place this code in your theme file

function head_title()
$pagetitle=strlen($this->request) ? strip_tags(@$this->content['title']) : '';
$headtitle=(strlen($pagetitle) ? ($pagetitle.' - ') : '').$this->content['site_title'];


Works perfectly, thank you
Hey jatin.soni I was wondering if you could help with this when ever someone puts ", / or - first it acts as capital letter.

Example 1: It comes out as "test" when I want it to show as "Test"
Example2: it comes out like Help/advice instead of Help/Advice
You may try to use preg_match()
Where would I insert preg_match