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Question2Answer version: 1.6-dev-0407 Error list
PHP version:     5.3.19
MySQL version:     5.5.30-cll

This could all be just me. If you have any information that would help with this. I would appreciate it.
Point me in the right direction, save me some time. Thank you.

Clicking on Handle when loged in
Notice: Undefined index: q_list in /home/diztrix/public_html/QA/qa-include/qa-app-format.php(1659) : eval()'d code on line 53

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Notice: Undefined index: raw in /home/diztrix/public_html/QA/qa-include/qa-base.php(347) : eval()'d code on line 32

It logs the user out sometimes.

Header scarmbled in firfox 20.0.1 Banner in center, not left. My Account/MyUpdates/Logout: not in line.
I change the points to visibility:hidden; not sure if this is the problem.  

Polls not working proprely with this version. I'm looking into this before I say more.
Q2A version: version: 1.6-dev-0407

2 Answers

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Best answer
I use qa1.6-dev-0407 for evaluation too. When there is plugin added later, retest by excepting them. Moreover, just before operation in which error occurs, delete comment of qa-app-format.php (1657) or qa-base.php (345), and operate. Then, since program run by eval is displayed on your screen, program in which error has occurred becomes clear.
+1 vote
Thanks Sama55 I remeber that now that you said sometning. (delete comment of qa-app-format.php (1657) or qa-base.php (345) ) I should have listed the plugins I am running to. There are only two that make changes in user profiles page. Again thanks Sama55