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+1 vote
in Q2A Core by
I am translating q2a to hindi(UTF-8).  I followed the tutorial. First I selected qa-lang-main.php and start editing in editor supporting UTF-8. For first few words, it works fine and I able to changes in main website also. After every word, i keep on checking, while doing so, I dont know what happened, the site become blank screen.  Now, what to do, so that my site become live?
Q2A version: 1.5

2 Answers

+1 vote
First check it with defautl launge pack. For that simply remove your edited language files form your site than it should automatically take defautl language. So if somethign wrong with your language file than your screen should come back.

Note: While you are writing language file make sure by mistake your character encoding doesn't change.
0 votes

Is the lang source file which you translated saved without BOM(bite order mark)?
