Hi gid, I tried a "View" for qa_users and qa_userprofile. Logging in works. I reindexed user points so that the Users page displays all the real users (it didn't at first).
Posting works as admin, but not when I logged in as a test user. I got this error:
Question2Answer query failed:
INSERT INTO qameta_posts (categoryid, type, parentid, userid, cookieid, createip, title, content, tags, notify, created) VALUES (NULL, _utf8 'Q', NULL, _utf8 '2', NULL, INET_ATON(_utf8 ''), _utf8 'Is this the real life?', _utf8 'Or is it just fantasy?', _utf8 'pokemaster', NULL, NOW())
Error 1452: Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`pokemondb`.`qameta_posts`, CONSTRAINT `qameta_posts_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`userid`) REFERENCES `qameta_users1` (`userid`) ON DELETE SET NULL)
Do you have any ideas?