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The information at Installing Question2Answer with Wordpress Integration explains how to install a fresh Question2Answer and integrate it with the existing Wordpress installation.

Is there any information how to integrate an existing Question2Answer installation with an existing Wordpress installation?

Q2A version: 1.5.4

2 Answers

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You can install by using Single Sign On installation guide provided here ( The same you have posted ).

It is always good habbits to take backup at least WordPress DB if not files before you Install. But for safty take backup for entire WordPress site.

Another thing is all wordpress user only will visible in Q&A when they will start to interact with the system by posting answer, question or comment till then they won't appar in any Q&A area.

Hello Jatin I also have a same problem an existing QA site and want to integrate users to wordpress now
Is this wordpress integration only about user data or does Q2A goes to some menu on my wordpress site and the questions become posts?
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it is not posible to integrate an existing instalation. however you can import your Q2A users to WP. but it will be lot's of job to keep Q2A's content too.
Can you please explain How to import existing q2A user to Wordpress, Please Thanks