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in Q2A Core by
Hello everyone! I would like to inform you (and especially gidgreen) that there are some people claiming they're "Q2A employees" and treating your site will be removed or asking for admin access on your site.

They all have a common nickname - Q2A - <name on native language> (<county code: RU, UA, US, etc.>).

For example:

Q2A - Кирилл (UA)

Q2A - Андрей (RU)

Q2A - Kevin (CA). They have almost identical email address like this: ru-miha-admin@q2a.com

But what's funny, q2a.com is not even a registered domain :D


So don't let yourself get scammed by these bad people. Also if you want I can give you their IPs so you can block 'em away.
Wow, crazy... although I would be surprised if anyone fell for it. Why would you just make an account admin without a proper reason?

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