For the newest-users-plugin I would like to display the users as it is in top scoring users list with points and two columns.
Therefore I looked into qa-page-users.php and tried to adopt the code for the plugin as:
$pagesize=50; // how many users to display // qa_opt('page_size_users');
$userArrayQuery = array(
'columns' => array('^users.userid', 'created', 'handle', 'points', 'flags', '^', 'avatarblobid', 'avatarwidth', 'avatarheight'),
'source' => '^users JOIN (SELECT userid FROM ^userpoints ORDER BY points DESC LIMIT #,#) y ON ^users.userid=y.userid JOIN ^userpoints ON ^users.userid=^userpoints.userid',
'arguments' => array($start, $pagesize),
'arraykey' => 'userid',
'sortdesc' => 'created',
However, specifying sortdesc => created it is not ordering the list correctly!