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+6 votes
in Plugins by
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Hi, I created a new plugin that displays the newest users of your forum on a separate page.

You can access the page with: yourq2asite.com/newusers

screenshot newest users


Get it here: https://github.com/echteinfachtv/q2a-newest-users-page

It is a very early version, there might be bugs. Your feedback is appreciated.




page lists user registration, username + user's website (helps to find spam)
- page can be blocked from public, see qa-new-users-page.php and uncomment after '// return if not admin'

page lists users' emails as well
- more language strings added
- shows last 100 users (instead of users of x last days)

Lists numbers of answers, questions, and comments
- added user points to user listing
- added language strings


pixelngrain did a new members widget, see here

Updated to v0.3: Lists email of users, more language strings.
Updated to v0.4: Lists numbers of answers, questions, and comments of new users.

2 Answers

0 votes
it would be great if you could make a widget for this plugin, so you can add it to the sidebar. something like "welcome to our new member: USERNAME"
0 votes
This looks good. An option to limit the page to certain user types would be good. Personally I wouldn't really want everyone on the site seeing the page but it's useful for moderators/admins to keep an eye on new accounts (check for spam etc).
as you surely know, in qa-new-users-page.php just add in the beginning of function process_request:

// return if not admin!
if ($level < QA_USER_LEVEL_ADMIN) {
    $qa_content['custom0']='<div>Access denied</div>';
    return $qa_content;
Hi Scott, I updated the plugin to v0.2 which lists the website of the users as well. This will help us to better control spammers! update: https://github.com/echteinfachtv/q2a-newest-users-page